Harris County Criminal Justice Center Courthouse Houston Texas 1201 Franklin St CJC
NOTICE: On December 31, 2020, the Texas Office of Court Administration (OCA) updated its guidance for the conduct of in-person proceedings in all Texas courts in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Based on OCA’s latest guidance, in-person court proceedings are limited beginning January 11, 2021. Parties are encouraged to contact their assigned courts for further instruction. In any event, do not miss your court appearance.

Staff Directory

Telephone: (832) 927-3325
Fax: (832) 927-3320

LaShawn Allen
Court Coordinator

Desiree Gonzalez
Lead Court Clerk

Daniel Padron
Pretrial Supervision Officer

Natalie Walker
Court Liaison Probation Officer
(832) 927-3336

Reymundo Larrasquitu
Assistant Court Clerk


Rebekah Voisin
Court Reporter
(832) 927- 3328

Court 10 Appearance Policy
  • Docket Begins at 10:00 am
  • ZOOM begins at 11:00 AM
  • Defendants Appearance required for all Arraignment (ARRG) settings.
  • Zoom Appearance: Defendants generally will not be allowed to appear via zoom.(Any special accommodations, must be addressed on a case by case basis with the Court).
  • Defense Counsel may appear via zoom for most settings EXCEPT hearings, trial and pleas.
  • Defendants represented by counsel do not need to be present for court settings unless the case is set for:
    • PLEA
    • Special HEARING
    • TRIAL
    • The Court staff or Pretrial services contacts the defense attorney and/ or defendant that their presence is required.
  • Both Defendant and Defense Counsel must be present for PLEA.