Resources on the Web

Houston Bar Association

The section of their web site called For the Public
provides information about the Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program, the Houston
Lawyer Referral Service, the Dispute Resolution Center, and other information
that can be of help to defendants in criminal cases or civil suits.
Office of Court Administration
The mission of the Texas Office of Court Administration is to provide resources and information for the efficient administration of the judicial branch of Texas.

Texas Indigent Defense Commission

The Texas Indigent Defense Commission provides financial and technical support to counties to develop and maintain quality, cost-effective indigent defense systems that meet the needs of local communities and the requirements of the Constitution and state law. In addition, we require local planning for indigent defense and reporting of expenditures and provide an array of resources for counties to improve these services.

A national clearinghouse of information relating to self-representation
for pro se litigants

