1201 Franklin • Houston, Texas 77002

Venue and Jurisdiction

The Harris County Criminal Courts at Law have exclusive original jurisdiction of misdemeanors where the fine allowed exceeds $500 or confinement in the county jail does not exceed one year..

Decisions from the municipal and justice of the peace courts may be appealed to county criminal courts at law. The appeal takes the form of a completely new trial (trial de novo). Appeals from municipal courts of record are an exception, where the county court reviews only the written record from the trial. Original and appellate judgments of the county court may be appealed to the Court of Appeals, with certain limitations.

Court Directory

Judge Alex Salgado, Court 1

Judge Paula Goodhart, Court 2

Judge Leslie R. Johnson, Court 3

Judge Shannon Baldwin, Court 4

Judge David M. Fleischer, Court 5

Judge Kelley Andrews, Court 6

Judge Andrew A. Wright, Court 7

Judge Erika Ramirez, Court 8

Judge Toria J. Finch, Court 9

Judge Juanita A. Jackson, Court 10

Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II, Court 11

Judge Genesis E. Draper, Court 12

Judge Raul Rodriguez, Court 13

Judge Jessica N. Padilla, Court 14

Judge Tonya Jones, Court 15

Judge Darrell Jordan, Court 16

Harris County Courts Homepage

Harris County Homepage